

Be God's Man
In God's Place
Doing God's Work
In God's Way

Deacons - Servants of the Church

In accordance with the meaning of the work and practice of the New Testament,
deacons are to be servants of the church. The task of the deacon is to serve with the
pastor and ministerial staff in performing their ministries; proclaim the gospel to
believers and unbelievers; care for church members and other persons in the community;
lead the church to engage in a fellowship of worship, witness, education, ministry, and
application; and lead the church in performing her tasks.


Booie Chambers     256-393-7192     256-547-7994     
Joe Logan     256-563-0020     256-546-7281     
  Jerry Don Mabrey     256-441-0200     256-442-3733     
Tim Martin     256-490-7602    
Wayne McCluney     256-543-3803    
Dennis Tucker     256-504-0503     256-546-5429    

Chairman - Tim Martin | Vice Chairman - Jerry Don Mabrey

Secretary - Wayne McCluney

Qualifications Of A Deacon

The Deacon should measure up to the requirements set forth in Acts 6:1-4 and I Timothy 3:8-13.

  • He (and his wife if married) should be professed Christians and a member of this church for at least twelve (12) months.

  • He should be the husband of one wife.

  • He should attend and actively support all the various activities of the church, Sunday worship, Wednesday evening prayer service, Sunday school, Christian Training and other programs adopted and promoted by the church, unless hindered by some good reason, which is approved by good conscience.

  • He should be a tither, bring his tithes systematically to the church for the Lord's work.

  • He should be evangelistic and missionary in spirit, deeply interested in the salvation of souls at home and abroad, and exhibit compassionate love for people.

  • He should be fully cooperative with the church, its pastor, its staff, its spiritual program of advancement, and fully supportive of its Doctrinal beliefs.

  • He should be a man who refrains from destructive criticism of his church, willing to settle all difficulties in a quiet and Christian manner, without hurting the cause of Christ and His Church.

  • He should be a consecrated Christian whose life is being nurtured toward Christian maturity by the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit.

  • He should be a man about whom people should say, "He is a good Christian man."

  • Recognizing that circumstances and individual situations vary; a deacon who finds that he cannot faithfully meet the above qualifications should, after much prayer and careful meditation, voluntarily ask to be relieved of the responsibilities as an active deacon. Annually or as the need may arise, the active deacons will endeavor to evaluate service of each deacon and counsel in accordance with God's will.


Responsibilities Of A Deacon

  • Lead the church in the achievement of its mission

  • Minister the gospel to believers and unbelievers

  • Care for the church's members and others in the community

  • Demonstrate Christ-like consecration, loyalty, prayer support and faithfulness to the church programs.

  • Visit the sick, needy and indifferent of the church

  • Encourage and strengthen new converts and the spiritually weak

  • Attend deacons' meetings regularly

  • Understand your pastor and his work.

  • Pray with and for your pastor.

  • Affirm your pastor.

  • Support your pastor.

  • Enjoy fellowship with your pastor.

  • Serve as a caring person

  • Serve as a Christian witness

  • Serve as an example

  • Serve as a builder of Christian fellowship.